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Apps for Adulting Pt. I

If you’re struggling a bit to get the whole adulting thing down, then you’ll want to maybe look into some apps to help you out. Here are a few to start you off. Waze Google Drive Mint Venmo TaskRabbit Pocket Trunx Packing Pro

Apps for Adulting Pt. II

To continue our other article, here are some more tech apps that can help you get your stuff together. Trunx Genius Scan Genius Sign Agogo MyChart Handy Washio

Apps for Resizing Photos on Your Android

If you’re a burgeoning cell phone photographer, here are some apps that might help you with resizing and fixing up your photos. Codenia Image Size Resize Me Photo Resizer Z Mobile Resizer Lit Photo Compress and Resize

Red Cars Are NOT More Expensive

You may have heard the common car insurance myth that owning a red car is more expensive than other cars. Luckily for all red car lovers out there, this myth is completely and utterly untrue! When an insurer calculates a premium rate for car insurance, they’re not going to consider the color of your car. […]

Explaining Comprehensive Coverage

While comprehensive coverage isn’t required in most state’s minimum insurance requirements, it is an integral part of your insurance coverage. It protects your car from damages that may happen outside of a collision, such as inclement weather (for example, hail), collisions with animals, vandalism and can also give you back the market price of your […]

Full Coverage Is Not a Magic All-Inclusive Coverage

Similar to the confusion that the word “comprehensive” coverage causes for many, some think that full coverage is also going to provide this magical coverage that will make it so that all aspects of their vehicles are fully insured. Again, while this would be nice, it’s not realistic. Full coverage refers to an auto insurance […]

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